Saturday, October 3, 2009

Swan Flu?

Early Friday morning, K wakes up with a fever and an upset tummy. After a few children's motrin and tummy rubs, she gets settled back in for a day at home with Mommy. Realizing, it is now time to wake up her siblings, I procede to have the following conversation with M:

M: How come K gets to stay home?
Me: Because she's not feeling well.
M: Well, I hope she don't got the "swan flu."

After reassuring M that her sister was going to be fine, the youngest two went off to school. I later received an email from K's teacher, letting me know that she was also at home that day with her own son. In K's fifth grade classroom, there were 11 children absent that day!

When A and M returned from school, I asked M about her spelling test. She informs me that they didn't have a spelling test that day because 18 children were absent from her class. In A's class, there were six absent. So this mommy got out the Lysol can and went on a spraying frenzy. Because we sure do not want a repeat of this from a couple of weeks ago:

Yes, that is a blanket and a Pooh in my seven year old's hands. He'll probably take those things with him to college.

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